Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Rivers and tides

Rivers and Tides : Documentary Film

River and tides is a 2001 documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy. It is about  Transitory nature of art and  life. Goldsworthy create intricated and temporary sculpture from natural materials such as rocks , leaves flowers, snow , ice , clay. He connects Creativity of art with deep philosophical meaning of life and nature. River means growth it has deep connotations like River of growth goes through trees ,  growth of animal ( birth ) ,River of sheep - flow and movement. 


Goldsworthy declares that he begins to work on an icicle sculpture by giving tide shape to ice. After so much hardworking he  gives shape to ice. But his hardwork and art is temporary because by passing time it will melt. Goldsworthy respects the processes of life and death reflected in nature. As the sun illuminates the finished sculpture, he  believed that 

"The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about its death."

It focus on the real side of nature that is darker side rather than pestoral. It shows that in  life everything will be changed. Growth and change is a part of Nature. 

Everything in the nature is in spiral shape or circular. There are no triangular shape in nature. 

Concept of wall :

Wall divided people in human world. It has its own purpose. There is two types of wall shown natural wall and human walls. Natural wall has no particular way while in human world there is straight wall. 

 color and energy 

Red color is symbol of love and energy. It also  connected with human blood and nature.Color and energy flowing through all things , underneath skin of the earth. So color and energy deeply connected with each other.

In this documentary Goldsworthy using both things digital work and hand work. 

Digital video  help to kill boundaries of time and space. Everything is not understandable with word at that time visual appeals more on than words . While on the other hand handwork used to stay connected with art ,creativity and Nature .

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