Monday, 11 March 2019

Mass communication- jay mehta sir

Many a times we very surprise of so many things but it comes to by your choice it becomes more energetic . so, here I would like to share somethings related to the session with dr. jay Mehta on journalism which was held on 15th January ,2019 a surprise session because we have earlier also taken session by sir on previous sem. On poe’s short-stories but it is also something different than the previous .

In the session of mass media & communication , he delivered some basic knowledge about media, its development from the ancient time & now present situation.
Before starting the session sir says that ,
“Patrkaratva e utavle sarjatu sahitya che”
There are total 6 sources of mass media :-
       I.            Radio
     II.            Television
  III.            Cinema
  IV.            Advertisement
     V.            Newspaper
  VI.            Digital media

§  You know what in this all 6 media’s the oldest   one or we can says print media . there are 3 pillars ..
§   judiciary ,
§   parliament
§  , army , and
§    last 4th is media

Dimensions are changed from ancient – modern. In earlier time tere were only one tv channel ‘ durdarshan’  theire is one barrier , if we want to watch you have to wait for the broadcasting of series whole day and  there are some specific time during night the final red , yellow strips began than programme came. Now, the things have move forward, because of modernization .now we don’t have to wait for  signals . there are numbers of channels . we can choose whatever want to watch.  But from some years, we can see that in tis time there are many applications in mobiles we find that replaced TV and so, for that much peoples are prefer to use other devices , like in tablets , mobile and i-pad rather to watch in TV because in this time peoples are busy with hustle –bustle of schedule of life . so, that whenever they are  free or get chance to , want entertainment , they can operate in their mobile devices and there is many options , we can download and see afterwards , we can also see previous episodes, shaws,etc . that was te beneficial part of this new technology .
Religion is opium –Karl Marx
FILM – RAN is satire of media & globalization 

Radio …. 
            First ‘hem radio’ – natural calamities (sos) messages gave
Next ‘vividh-bahrti’ , all India ,BBC- BRITISH BROADCASTING CHANNEL
THIS Above mentioned are older factors of radio platform but now in today’s world the new dimensions emerged. Earlier there were akaswani station were so many programs come but now , we can find that peoples move towards radio because there are more new platforms like , radio-mirchi, and applications  for songs and this is now not only for the songs and all old type where only news and songs come. But also there are interviews and promotions of new upcoming movies also held . interviews , etc. the more famous in this area  RJ DEVKI, RJ AKASH, RJ DHVANIT , They also interact with the youth and they get to know that what new youth want and they also did their best .

Next,   Advertising And Management
This is play of words
Teaching ,content writing , media writing , anchoring ,event manager
For ex.  Madhur bhandarkar’s film ‘CORPORATE” BASED ON ‘ Coca-cola ‘  NEXT example prasun joshi also made advertisements .

Cinema plays a vital role in communication. In ancient time it’s  mainly focused upon entertainment . first silent film “ Alam Ara”  opens door of theaters . after this one kind of revolution happen , from that there is shift from silent to audio visual , black & white to colorful films. Earlier womens not allowed to tack play roles in films because it is consider as something low level . but films are not only for entertainment . it carries serious social issues, which focusing on the gap between rich-poor class .in new era , modern time , there is much focus on the middle class.

So, this are something which deal with sir in interactive session held . it also pleasure to attain lectures bye sir because he creates aura which has strong power which attracts me not move anywhere .
At the end I would like to thanks #Dr. jay Mehta sir for giving us precious time and this *knowledge and # Dr. dilipbarad sir who time and again call this such scholars which  make us more energetic and put more enthusiasm ……

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