Monday, 15 October 2018

Movie review of "midnight's chidren"

The movie “midnight’s Children is based on the Famous novel by Salman Rushdie. The film is directed by Deepa Mehta and Screen play by Salman RushdieIn this movie we can find historical facts, magic realism and religion conflict.
                The title of this movie is appropriate according to the story of this movie. Title is that "midnights children", it is connected with the historical event like partition of India and Pakistan and Emergency of 1975 in India. When we get freedom from white people at that time there were crises between two religions Hindu and Muslim. They were fighting with each other. As same here also we can see that type of crises between Shiva and Saleem, Shiva is Hindu and Saleem is Muslim both were born at the stroke of midnight of 14th August 1947 In the movie  letter on they know that Saleem is Hindu and Shiva is Muslim. These two children have super power of communication through their thought. So from this type of movie we must have to learn that religion made by us and if it is harmful for us then we must have to remove it.
             Because after all we all are human beings and our blood is same but we make this type of various religions. But if people are fighting with each other because of those religions so what are the use of those religions. So I want to say that this movie is very interesting. And technique of telling story is outstanding. At the end of movie Saleem said that Marry is mother (who is Christian), Adam is my son (son of Shiva and Parvati) and he is Muslim.

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