Saturday, 16 December 2017


T.S Eliot : Tradition and Individual talent

Thinking Activity on T.S. Eliot's Essay 'Tradition and Individual talent'

Q-1. How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of tradition? Do you agree with it.

Yes I m agree with the   Eliot’s  idea on Tradition in which  he  points out tradition that tradition is matter of much wider significance it can not be inherited and if u want it u must obtained it by great labour. it involves the historical sense.

Q-2 What do you understand by Historical sense?

A) by this quotation Eliot wants to convey the idea that historical sense deals with the pastness of past and present too.
B) when now  any literary artist who write  any literary things that is literature, and from the time of Homer that is also literature as well as history.  

Q-3. What is the relationship between Tradition and Individual talent?

Tradition that is continue form the History when  one who write literary things that he /she may in flow of Tradition and become the part of Tradition . on the other hand individual talent is also important bcs in which there is creativity of poets mind in the literary writings.

Q-4. Explain: " some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acuired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole museum"

With the help of this quotation the idea comes out that developing the consciousness of the past, and writer required the sense that as  Shakespeare  had . Shakespeare acquire more essential history from the Plutarch.

Q-5. Explain: " Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon poet but upon the poetry"

Here  with the understanding of this thing it is clear that there is much important of poetry rather than poet. Here what poet is create through his mind as well as his creativity. He sacrifice the things , he may not present in his work and as a result his work may comes with great output.

Q-6. How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of Depersonalization?

The theory of depersonalization is shows that it is more  important, not only emotions and feelings but the artistic process. Its also presents that element of science into Humanity and art. So3 + H2o = H2So4 , Platinium that is the idea of poet’s mind and when he sacrifice this things this output comes out with the great work of the poet that is poetry.

Q-7. Explain: " Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality"

Poetry is not an expression  but an escape from emotions. Personal  thing is not presents in the poetry it s very  subjective , one self it expressed the writings.

Q-8. Write two points on which one can write Critique on T.S Eliot as a critic.

A) T.S Eliot gives short and effective definition on tradition. He thinks about Tradition in modern way. To describe Tradition Eliot gives three points:-
          a) not inherited but acquired with hard labor.
          b)Historical sense, not only of the pastness of past but of its presence.
          c)Timelessness and temporal.
B) Idea of depersonalization- Eliot feels that there needs to keep distance between the suffering of poet and his creative work. The poet must have to escape from his emotions.

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