Saturday, 30 December 2017

I.A.Richard figurative language

I like one Gujrati poem, written by 'Botadkar'
     This poem title is " Janni"

                           Mitha madhu ne mitha mehula re lol
                                 aethi mithi te mori mat re,
                           janni ni jod sakhi ny jde re lol

                              Prabhu ae prem pni putli re lol
                                  jagthi duderi aeni jat re
                                                                     janni ni...
                            Amini bhareli aeni aankhdi re lol
                                  Vhal na bharela aena ven re
                                                                    janni ni...
                            Hath gunthel aena hirna ne lol
                                   heiyu hemant keri hel re
                                                                     janni ni...
                           Devone dudh aena dohla re lol
                                   shshiae shinchel aeni shodya re
                                                                     janni ni..
                          Jagno aadhar aeni aangli re lol
                                     kaljama keik bharya kod re
                                                                     janni ni...
                           Chitdu chdel aenu chakde re lol
                                     palna bandhel aena pran re
                                                                    janni ni...
                          Mungi aashis ure malkati re lol
                                     leta khute n aeni lahan re
                                                                    janni ni...
                          Dharti matae hse dhrujti re lol
                                     achla achuk ek may re
                                                                    janni ni...
                          Ganga na nir to vdhe ghte re lol
                                     sarkho ae prem no pravah re
                                                                    janni ni...
                           Varse ghdik vyom vadli re lol
                                    madino megh bare mash re
                                                                   janni ni...
                            chlti chandani dise chandni re lol
                                     aeno nhi aathme ujas re
                           janni ni jod sakhi ny jde re lol.
  About Poet:
                      Full name: Kavi Damodar Khushaldas Botadkar.
            He is born in Bhavnagar. He was only six standerd study complete but he is master in Sanskrit languege and Sanskrit knowledge.They have main purpose is make a poem. About works: wrote most of famous poems. This are "Rajtargini", ":Killolini","Srotswini","Nirnjini","Shaivalini" etc.
               He also wrote some work about The Nature and Houselife. He also known as to beautiful poet famous in Gujrati literature, His works alsp famous in Gujrati literature.
"Janni" is a famous poem  in Gujrati literature, written by 'Damodar Khushaldas Botadkar. No ther love is not more then , so mother's love is not compare with any person's love and mother love , is high and the great love for us. And in it the main topic about the discuss of poet. I first love my Mother and Father in  all the love and so I like this poem. Mother and Father love is better than all world love and is famous in world.

2) Inn aankho ki masti mein:-

In aankhon ki masti ke,

In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain

In aankhon se vaabasta afsaane hazaaron hain

Ek tum hi nahin tanha ulfat mein meri rusva

Is shaher mein tum jaise deewaane hazaaron hain

In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain

Ek sirf humi mai ko aankhon se pilaate hai,

Kehne ko to duniya mein maikhaane hazaaron hain

Is shamm-e-faroza ko aandhi se darraate ho

Aandhi se darraate ho

Is shamm-e-faroza ke parvaane hazaaron hain

Umrao Jaan is a 1981 Bollywood film directed by Musaffar Ali. Based on the 1905 Urdu novel Umrao Jan Ada, the film tells the story of a Lucknow courtesan and her rise to fame.

In this song i found that the usagw of urdu words and hindi are getting merged. Two languages makes us misunderstand their paticular meanings. Urdu gets repressed on hindi. So, somehow i found that there is I.A.Richards theory of figurative language theory applied in this song.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Marry shelley's 'Frankestein'

.Q-1) What are some major differences between movie and the novel.

The novel and the film: differences of plot

Difference in the time of exposition
Between the book and the film there is also a difference in the time of exposition because to read a book a man needs more time than to watch a film. This characteristic is underlined in the film: we can understand it because Branagh leaves out some parts of the story and in particular minor characters and roles. This is because in about two hours the film director must hold on the attention and the expectations of the spectators with special effects, violence and horror. In the book, on the contrary, the writer can dwell upon precise descriptions of the characters and places, commenting on events and giving opinions.

Differences between the plot of the film and the scenes of the film
1. In the book, Victor meets the monster after the homicide of his brother by the creature.

It wants a woman like itself and the doctor starts to create another monster; but when he arrives at half of his work, he has a remorse and destroys the half-made new creature.
In the film, on the contrary, Victor creates a woman for the monster but she commits suicide.

2. In the plot of Mary Shelley’s novel, the monster wants hid revenge on all the society because of his condition and because people consider him different and, for this reason, a monster, an ugly and dangerous person for the others, while in the film the monster wants his revenge only on Victor, his creator and Frankenstein’s family.

3) In the book, Victor meets his friend Clerval in Geneva because their parents are also good friends. Clerval doesn’t study at the University of Ingolstandt while in the film Frankenstein meets this other student at the university during a lesson of natural science.

4) Frankenstein’s father dies in the book of a heart attack when he finds Elizabeth killed by the monster while in the film it is the monster itself that murders Victor’s father.

5) When Victor Frankenstein meets Captain Roberts Walton, near the North Pole in the book the doctor is old, ill, weak and dying while in the film Victor is quite young, rather strong and active when he walks to the ship of the sailors.

6) In the film after the creation of the monster, Victor is ill, tired and filled with horror. Clerval, his friend, takes care of him and Elizabeth is there too. In the book on the contrary, the girl remains in Geneva with Victor’s family.

Q-2) Did this movie help you in understanding the plot of the novel?

yes, The novel makes us confused and movie makes its solution. So it is very helpful to understanding the plot of the novel.

Q-3) Who do you think is real monster?

I think real moster is victor frankestein. Because he makrs the dead one alive. And made society in danger. The main cause of the death of elizabeth and his brother is also made us to feel that real monster is victor frankenstein. The fall of geneva is good example of hamlet.

Q-4)From Where Mary Shelley get the idea for the novel Frankenstein ?

Many literary critics have long thought that Mary shelley fabricated her account of how she came up with the idea for her 1818 novel "Frankenstein." But a research by a team of astronomers suggests that she was telling the truth.In the preface to the 1831 edition of the novel, Shelley wrote that the idea first came to her in the summer of 1816, where she stayed in a manor on Lake geneva with her future husband Percy bysshe Shelley and the writers Lord Byron and John polidori. Byron suggested that each of them write a ghost story. Days passed, but Shelley produced nothing but "that blank incapability of invention which is the greatest misery of authorship."

Q-5) Do you think the search for the knowledge is dangerous and destructive? 

The relentless search for knowledge is portrayed to be dangerous and destructive in Shelly’s Frankenstein. Dangerous for both those who pursue knowledge Victor and Walton  around those who pursue knowledge  I.e. Walton’s crew and Frankenstein’s  friends and relatives. The monster’s curiosity to learn more about himself and the world especially learning language  leads him  to disappointment and then tragedy.   
              Frankenstein to identify the consequences of his action is what cause him pain. It is this character flaw that makes Frankenstein a Modern Prometheus, warning Shelley’s readers of the dangers and destructive force of knowledge.

Example of Doctor Faustus also reminds that knowledge is dangerous and destructive.

Q-6) What are some myths used by Mary Shelley in the Frankenstein? 

Mary Shelly's Frankenstein  in three types myths are used .

         Paradise lost


         Myth of prometheus 

Q-7) Write about the narratology of the Frankestein.

Frame narratives, as exemplified by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein,were popularly used in nineteenth century English literature to introduce multiple characters and perspectives. This literary device was a layered narrative that featured a story within a story, at times within yet another story.there are three narrators:

1- Captain Walton 

2- Victor Frankenstein 

3- The Monster

Saturday, 16 December 2017


T.S Eliot : Tradition and Individual talent

Thinking Activity on T.S. Eliot's Essay 'Tradition and Individual talent'

Q-1. How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of tradition? Do you agree with it.

Yes I m agree with the   Eliot’s  idea on Tradition in which  he  points out tradition that tradition is matter of much wider significance it can not be inherited and if u want it u must obtained it by great labour. it involves the historical sense.

Q-2 What do you understand by Historical sense?

A) by this quotation Eliot wants to convey the idea that historical sense deals with the pastness of past and present too.
B) when now  any literary artist who write  any literary things that is literature, and from the time of Homer that is also literature as well as history.  

Q-3. What is the relationship between Tradition and Individual talent?

Tradition that is continue form the History when  one who write literary things that he /she may in flow of Tradition and become the part of Tradition . on the other hand individual talent is also important bcs in which there is creativity of poets mind in the literary writings.

Q-4. Explain: " some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acuired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole museum"

With the help of this quotation the idea comes out that developing the consciousness of the past, and writer required the sense that as  Shakespeare  had . Shakespeare acquire more essential history from the Plutarch.

Q-5. Explain: " Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon poet but upon the poetry"

Here  with the understanding of this thing it is clear that there is much important of poetry rather than poet. Here what poet is create through his mind as well as his creativity. He sacrifice the things , he may not present in his work and as a result his work may comes with great output.

Q-6. How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of Depersonalization?

The theory of depersonalization is shows that it is more  important, not only emotions and feelings but the artistic process. Its also presents that element of science into Humanity and art. So3 + H2o = H2So4 , Platinium that is the idea of poet’s mind and when he sacrifice this things this output comes out with the great work of the poet that is poetry.

Q-7. Explain: " Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality"

Poetry is not an expression  but an escape from emotions. Personal  thing is not presents in the poetry it s very  subjective , one self it expressed the writings.

Q-8. Write two points on which one can write Critique on T.S Eliot as a critic.

A) T.S Eliot gives short and effective definition on tradition. He thinks about Tradition in modern way. To describe Tradition Eliot gives three points:-
          a) not inherited but acquired with hard labor.
          b)Historical sense, not only of the pastness of past but of its presence.
          c)Timelessness and temporal.
B) Idea of depersonalization- Eliot feels that there needs to keep distance between the suffering of poet and his creative work. The poet must have to escape from his emotions.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Mathew Arnold

Q1- Write about one Idea of  Matthew Arnold which you find interesting and relevant in our times.

1)According to me, Matthew Arnold's principle of criticism is that of     Disinterestedness or Detachment is interesting and also relevant to current time. Disinterestedness on the part of the critic implies freedom from all prejudices, personal or historical.The modern criticism is also focus on this idea.we have not bias towards any literary work.For example: There was one Television show on Star plus 'Satyamev Jayte' which was hosted by famous Bollywood actor Aamir khan, but there were people who highly objected and criticize him by saying that, that he has already married thrice so how can that person speaks about morality and all? so it is not fair, we can not judge any person on the basis of his personal life but by his detachment or disinterestedness is necessary for a person/writer or critic to pass a judgment.

Q2- Write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you found out of date and irrelevant in our times.

2)I think Arnold's 'Touchstone method' is quite inappropriate in present times, it is complicated to judge one's age's literary work with another one. May be the literature written at that time be right for that age, but after time is passes the morality of the people or social values or things will be changes at every day. It is like Plato's objection to poetry on the basis of morality, according to him the aim of poetry is to be teach us morality but time will pass and this idea is also changed and then critic like Aristotle came and change this idea and give new idea that not morality is necessary but aesthetic delight is also important. so this method is quite irrelevant  in nowadays.