Saturday, 1 August 2020

"Epidemic and me"- Remedial Coaching Pre-Task

Hello Everyone,

After so long i am writing blog. It is very difficult to find myself so different in this pandemic situation. 
its been said that atmosphere plays a role to make your own zone of life. I found myself very conscious and very hyper tension. but slowly and gradually now it is a part of a life to deal with. 

This days makes me to be more artistic for spending time and divert myself from negative thought. I read more books and do creative things like painting and music. Then i found why not use time to learn new things. Then i came to know about webinars. it is very good medium of learning online globally. afterward i have attended many government webinars which includes new scheme for employment and skill development. Of course i have joined and successfully completed many online platforms which offers online free courses.  

Generally i was planned to appear in  government exams and also NET/GSET exams but due to this corona effect it bites the world with poison if unemployment. But still i'll not give up and continuously i am trying focus on using time for preparation of these exams.

Of course i want share my views on how financially and mentally me and family suffer. life makes us always a student and examine us with so many circumstances and difficult situation. But this phase of time we have to more courageous and pass it with 100%. Yes i found myself very helpless because these days to find new job is very difficult. But it is okay to be safe at home.

News- me and family have stopped to watch over it. because narration and kind of displaying current situation is very dangerous on news and social media. its like they have a only one topic to be discussed is covid19 effect. Thus, it is very dangerous for our mental health. 

Word "positive" makes us afraid of corona. Now we cannot say "be positive". somehow i observed that people doing that bullshit remedies which are told by Tantriks and also they believe that this situation caused because we have done some sin in our life. this seems that people find themselves to justify anyway. if there is no reason of these situation why it happens then the only thing is left blame people and trust somebody who is far away qualified to handle it. we as a educated people should teach them how to deal with this situation and also whom to trust. this clearly suggesting negativity born due to fear of something loose.

Here i found that role of good teacher can make us get rid of these situation. Of course anyone can be a teacher. I found My teacher in nature. its our own perspective that destiny will fate ourselves in what way. but to find ourselves we have to find in nature. some relaxing time into the nature make us feel that there is something left to happen which is destine for us. peeping out light of sun and moon from 
clouds that made me to feel that that life will shines soon. 

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