Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Sem-3 paper-12 assignment

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Name: Joshi Riddhi
Topic: What are the strategies for learners to learn English language?
Roll no: 30
Paper no 12:ELT
M.A: Sem-3
Enrolment no. : 2069108420180028
Year: 2017-19
Submitted to:
S.B. Gardi Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji
Bhavnagar University

English Language Learners (ELL) are a growing student population. As they take up a larger and larger percentage of classroom students, it means that educators need to become skilled in accommodating and reaching these students.
However, unlike ESL teachers who have intensive training on how to reach these students, classroom teachers receive very little training concerning how to properly accommodate these new English speakers within their classrooms. This can create a difficult situation for both the teacher and the ESL student. 
It can be challenging to address the needs of ELL students within the same classroom, as they can each differ in their first language, as well as in the degree of their English language skills. When you teach a lesson, you don’t know how much your ESL students can retain. Therefore, the key to meeting the needs of English Language Learners is to plan lessons that are accessible to a wide range of students and that utilize language-focused instruction.
Six Tips to Accommodate the Needs of English Language Learners
Vocabulary and Language Development
Teachers introduce new concepts by discussing vocabulary words key to that concept. Exploring specific academic terms like “algorithm” starts a sequence of lessons on larger math concepts and builds the student’s background knowledge.
When introducing new vocabulary or academic vocabulary, it’s important to do so with visual aids to help ESL students understand what the new words mean. In order to build the vocabulary of your ELL’s, they should be provided with opportunities for word learning through wide reading, exposure to high-quality oral language, the promotion of word consciousness, explicit instruction of specific words, and modeling and instruction in independent word learning strategies. 
Guided Interaction 
Teachers structure lessons to enable students to work together to understand what they read—by listening, speaking, reading, and writing collaboratively about the academic concepts in the text. By working collaboratively, ELL students can work off of other students to help them comprehend and learn what is being asked of them.
Explicit Instruction
Utilize clear instructions or direct teaching of concepts, academic language, and reading comprehension strategies to complete classroom tasks. Explicit instruction refers to task-specific, teacher-led instruction that overtly demonstrates how to complete a task and can be used to teach students both basic and higher-order reading skills. 
This will help ESL students to understand what is being asked of them by providing them with clear, specific, and easy-to-follow procedures as they learn not only a new skill or strategy but also the language associated with it. 
Real World Examples & Context-Based Learning
Context-Based Learning refers to the use of real-life and fictitious examples in teaching environments in order to learn through the actual, practical experience with a subject rather than just its mere theoretical parts.
This way of learning can help ELL’s immensely by providing them with concrete examples with which to comprehend the learning content presented to them in English. As well, implementing students’ interests and real-life examples helps them to gain interest in the subject matter.
Research shows that when students are interested in something and can connect it to their lives or cultural backgrounds, they are more highly motivated and learn at a better rate.
Graphic Organizers & Modeling
Visual learning is extremely helpful to all students, and especially ELL learners. It provides clues and visual cues to the language context to help English Language Learners grasp concepts, thereby making the content more accessible to the students.
Visual aids used in the classroom are essential for English language learners. Visual aids provide a different form of explanation and provide the students with information that they may not have understood if it was presented to them in written or spoken form.
If a student cannot read or understand spoken English, drawings, videos in their native language, graphs, etc. help the students immensely in learning the content that is presented to them. You can implement a variety of visual aids, such as graphic organizers, pictures, diagrams, and charts.
Authentic Assessment
Teachers model and explicitly teach thinking skills (metacognition) crucial to learning new concepts. With authentic assessments, teachers use a variety of activities to check students’ understanding, acknowledging that students learning a second language need a variety of ways to demonstrate their knowledge of concepts that are not wholly reliant on advanced communication skills.
Just because a student doesn’t have a firm grasp of the language, doesn’t mean that they don’t grasp the learning concept. Therefore, allowing ESL students other outlets to show their knowledge can help them succeed in the classroom. 
Examples of some authentic assessments include performance-based assessments, project-based assessments, criterion-referenced assessments, and methods that allow students to show and practice knowledge in non-language dependent ways such as Venn diagrams, charts, drawings, mind maps, and PowerPoint slides. 
There are many, many different accommodations available for your students. 
However, all of these accommodations aren’t equal.
What works for one student may not work for another…
and what worked at one point in time may lose its effectiveness over time.
This is why it is so important to continually evaluate your teaching and your students’ learning. This will help you know whether your accommodations and modifications are effective or not. 
During this evaluation, it’s important to solicit and consider student feedback. If your student doesn’t feel like the modifications are helping, then it’s time to try something new.
It’s also great to use your colleagues as the valuable resources they are. Tap into the knowledge of your school’s ESL teachers and discuss the subject with your fellow teachers. Most teachers will have experiences of accommodating ESL students and will have ideas and examples of accommodations that they’ve used successfully.
Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of your instructional accommodations is to make the learning process easier for your ELL students.
Put forth the time and effort necessary to carefully select effective accommodations and you will see how these small changes can make a world of difference!

Work cited:

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