Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Cultural study: power and media

Thinking activity on Cultural studies:Power and Media .

The word Culture is itself undefinable term, no one can define culture but can gives its related meaning, it can touch its margin by poviding various description of cultural studies.
Power plays a vital role in the study of culture. Without power the study of culture is incomplete, and power is connected to the extensive use of media.
It is power which decide each and every thing, powwr is governing our life directly or indirectly.

While studying culture we face many difficulties, some are given as follows:-
i) Impossible to define culture
ii) Confuse the students and teachers by breaking the difference between high and low culture.
iii) It makes students and scholars politically incorrect and therefore it becomes difficult to survive where politically correct and right wingers are in majority.
iv) Incomplete without the study of power.
Normally the people with majority are in power and these are mainly the elite class in society. The rules and regulations  are made by keeping in mind the benefits of these upper classes.

Defination of power:
Power is the ability to make others do what you would have them to do.
 six source of civic power:-
1. Physical force
2. Wealth
3. State action
4. Social norms
5. Ideas
6. Number

power has 3  laws :
1) Power is never static
2) Power is like water
3) Power is compound

So power plays vital role in cultural study.wothout power not define cultural study. Economical power ,political power  makes complete the cultural study.

Noam Chomsky gives five filters about Mass Media:
1.Media Ownership
3.Media Elite
5.The Common Enemy
  In this way Power and Media plays vital role in Cultural studies.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Derrida's Deconstruction

Derrida's Deconstruction Thinking Activity:

Deconstruction is a theory which is given by Jacques Derrida. In the criticism of literature, Deconstruction is a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to ‘subvert’ or ‘undermine’ the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meaning of a literary text.It is not distructive activity but inquiry into the foundations of everything.There is something first crumble down and then something is new built.Derridean way of thinking is to qewstion "Origin of Origin". In derridean Deconstruction he tallks on some perticular points or theory's like Logocentricism and Phonocentricism,Binary appositions, Trace of Meaning, Free play of meaning, supplimentrarity, undecidability of meaning, decentering the center, Metaphysics of present. 

    There are numbers of example on which we can apply this theory. For example if if i were a post structuralist critic, i would like to apply this theory on Ekta kapoor's serial's in which Female are privilage over male, in serial like "Sath Nibhana sathiya" or "Sasural simer ka" . If we take another idea of 'Origion of origion" then we find that there is one bollywood movie; which is based on one historical story in which the origanal story is differant and movie makers are modifiying the history, so here derridean way of thinking is 'Question to 'Origin of Origin". so here is origanal myth is Deconstructed and then new story is built up.

 For example someone tells a person that “Hey! Today you are looking really good you know.”
Then that person doesn’t take it normally but goes beyond in the meaning and takes out a different (hidden message) meaning by this and instead of thanking the first person for the compliment he would say “Ohh! What is that supposed to mean? You mean to say that I’m looking good ‘today only’? Does that mean I don’t look good every day? You mean to say I look ugly every day?”

More in a comic way if we take an example of an Indian couple, the husband compliments the food that today’s dinner was so tasty, so his wife would go angry and say that so you meant to say I don’t cook good every day? (As if the wives have learned Derridian theory already!)

This is the pretty much convincing and easy example to understand deconstruction’s theory. But still we are talking about Derrida and his "Deconstruction" here, Derrida is difficult Philosopher to read and his term "Deconstruction" is even more difficult to understand. If we say that we understood this completely then we should deconstruct our own thoughts again that do we actually reach the half of what Derrida is saying?